Our vision at PEL is that every student should have access to esports without having to worry about barriers to entry. We see the impact of esports on students and believe that any limitation leads to a missed opportunity.
It costs PEL $20 to reach another student and provide them the opportunities of esports for free. Just $20 allows students the opportunity to compete in a year's worth of events, gaining the opportunity to develop skills that will benefit them for their lifetime. Expand skills such as communication, leadership, and teamwork.
With your help, we can ensure that our events continue to stay free for all students and also allow us to expand by giving more opportunities for community engagement.
All it takes is $20.

We appreciate any form of donation and thank you for your support. If you would like to give a flat or recurring donation please donate through our current campaign.

Gift Items
If you would like to donate by purchasing equipment or sponsoring the Pacific Esports League please contact us.
Support us and earn ad-free viewing and gain chat perks on our broadcasts.
Mail a Check
If you would like to mail in a check, please address them to our PO box.
PO BOX 53499
San Jose, CA 95153